Monday, January 5, 2009

Routine C - Rotation 1 - Legs

Okay, I'm going to whine a little.
We need to revise this workout. It is putting way to much stress on my lower back. I had to stop half-way through to get on the floor and stretch my back out. I am also holding back in fear of re-injuring my back. If I'm holding back, what's the point?

We'll keep the front squats (even though I hate them) and I'll switch Trap Bar Deads back to regular bar - I know you said they are less stressful to the lower back but it doesn't feel like it to me.
Just suggest another movement for DB Sumo Deads - I hate these too, maybe with a straight bar I might like them. Thanks :)

Leg Extensions
(warms x 1)
10 x 260
10 x 270

Front Squats
(warms x 3)
6 x 160
Drop Set
6 x 160 - 6 x 90

Deads with Trap Bar
(warms x 2)
9 x 180
Drop Set
8 x 140 - 6 x 90

DB Sumo Deads
(warms x 1)
10 x 70
10 x 60
9 x 60

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